How about some relationship resolutions to start 2020 off right?!
Here's my Top Ten List for ways you can immediately improve family, work and romantic connections this year. I start with my personal favorite, the water cooler response to "Hi, how are you?"
1-Replace empty responses like “I’m fine, ok, good...” with more descriptive emotional words for how you FEEL
2-Boldly tell people specifically what you like about them when you think it to yourself
3-Ask the question, "What do you mean by that?"
4-Notice when you lie by omission and tell the whole truth
5-Don’t interrupt
6-Speak only 50% of the time, ask questions the rest
7-Call instead of text
8-Don’t yell; name instead the hurt usually lurking beneath your anger
9-Read the Book "Getting the Love You Want" by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt
10-Take my Online Course.
Bonus: For more mindful relating tips, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel or take my Intimacy Overhaul Online Course