I am currently seeing clients exclusively online.
Contact me today to schedule all telehealth sessions.
"If you commit yourself to working with Alison, there is a good chance you will be where I am; looking back in time wondering why you didn’t do this sooner, confident in the tools you’ve acquired to live your life differently and better. The best advice I received was to get help to do this. The best decision I made was calling Alison Bulman." -Anon client

(Already purchased?​ WELCOME! Login to the course here!)
Do you.....
*Want to feel more confident and start overcoming your shame and insecurities?
*Feel stumped when trying to describe feelings (are you emotionally unavailable)?
*Believe you're not worthy of love, or enough to keep it?
*Avoid intimate situations or deep, meaningful conversations?
*Ignore flags someone is not a match, but try to force it with wishful thinking they'll change and waste precious time?
*Have trouble maintaining long-term relationships that dissolve, get combative or dull? Or do you stay in ones past their expiration date?
Do you fear you're the common denominator in your relationships failing?
Are you sick and tired of your patterns and ready to change them now so you can move forward in your life?
Then this course is for you.....
Come to understand how you show up in your relationships, what's going wrong, and what to do about it.
Get to hear your impact on others through warm, supportive feedback.
Realize you are not alone in your struggles with love and relationships.
I teach you the vital lessons, tools, and tips that really work to break through the emotional walls and defenses that sabotage your relationships in ways you weren't even conscious of.
Eye-opening exercises and amazing conversation techniques feature your dreams, fears, and feelings you rarely get to hear or access in the real world.
Learn to listen to your inner voice - stop forcing things - the square peg round hole pain - show your true colors right out of the gate so you're way more likely to meet your ideal match who fits you.
Students continually report new relationships, marriage, closer families, through continuing what they learned in this course, more successful dates, and better sex!
What People Are Saying...

Dayton - New York, NY
"This course was eye-opening, safe, emotionally stimulating, and playful. It explored areas most people never even think about and had me thinking for days about the levels of intimacy in my life."

Anon. Male, 45 - New York, NY
"I let myself be seen
in ways
I didn't know were possible.
These are exactly the tools
I need for my next relationship.
I know countless
others who have
been deeply moved
by the experience...

Ella, 34 - New York, NY
"The course is like mindful dating.
It's an opportunity for authenticity,
it tamed my monkey mind, and I met a super-hot guy."
Are YOU ready for happier relationships?
Get the course NOW for only $275!
What You'll Learn...
Feel alive again by learning tools to communicate the most raw, real parts of yourself you never knew you could share with others.
Practice powerful emotional literacy words and phrases to express yourself more spontaneously and authentically.
Improve your self-awareness and compassion through mindful practices that access your deeper feelings and desires.
See how your vulnerability attracts and learn how to discover what people think of you.
See how your realness generates more honesty in others, and develops their trust in you.
Delight people you meet, friends, family, by boldly starting conversations that used to scare you.
Feel the impacting truth bombs and massive gains of inching out on the skinny branch, people below in your life, for once, holding a net to accept and catch you without judgement.
Attract the love you want by becoming the kind of partner you yourself desire.
"Parts of myself
were awakened
that were dormant
for a long time.
I discovered what
turns me on,
and experienced
wide ranges of emotions
in a completely
safe environment.
Anon Male, 45
New York, NY
As soon as you sign-up through the Pay button below, you're directed to Paypal, then, once paid, you're automatically directed to the Intimacy Overhaul Online Course Private Page on this website IntimaCities.com where you're asked to enter the password.
Check your e-mail right away! You should have received a confirmation e-mail from me with the password. (If not, check your trash, or send me a message through this website contact tab and we will send you the password.)
You have completely unlimited replays, so you can fully absorb the concepts and tools as many times as you want, to apply them in your relationships starting now.
You'll also receive access to the private Intimacy Overhaul Online Course Facebook group upon enrolling, to get in on my live videos, ask me questions, and participate in discussions about love and relationships.
You'll have all course content and future updates forever!

This is the online version of the in-person Intimacy Support Group, made into four pre-recorded videos and two Facebook live videos (six total), each approximately 40 minutes in length.
Inspired by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Gestalt techniques, psychodrama, sociometry, mindfulness, and Circling, I guide you to experiment with YOUR levels of authenticity and the masks you wear.
I teach you directly step-by-step, connecting like in a private session, as I share my personal journey, tips, and practical tools for you to create change immediately in your face-to-face interactions, starting from the comfort of your home, on your own schedule!
How It Works
Module 1
What Emotional Unavailability is Costing You
How being emotionally unavailable sabotages your relationships - what you have to lose if you don't do something about it
Defining intimacy with self and others
How I realized and conquered my intimacy issues
Explorations of individual blocks and frustrations in relationships, its origins and symptoms
How being vulnerable attracts people to you and manifests your career and love desires
Initial communication tools for more honesty and breakthroughs in your life
Module 2
Reckless Communication - the Top Defenses Hurting Your Relationships
Over thirty primary blocks to intimacy and how to spot them so you can stop your negative patterns
How to avoid defensiveness and shutting down both in yourself and how to not cause it in someone else
Identify the false, limiting stories about yourself that keep you stuck in a self-fulfilling prophecy
Module 3
Mindful Communication to the Rescue!
Mindfulness and meditation to ground and connect you to form a more intimate relationship with yourself - the path to healthier relationships
Building your vulnerability muscle by practicing increasing honesty
New words and phrases to undue your insecurities.
Break the repression cycle to bring yourself and others, out of their shell - igniting inner aliveness in each other's eyes.
Module 4
Blowing the Lid off Your Interactions!
The detriment and boredom of vagueness - in our lives and words - how it negatively affects perceptions of us
Experience the thrill of expanding your feeling vocabulary to express yourself in new ways that make you feel more seen and heard than ever before
Body signals - Learn to check in with your body for clues about how you're feeling emotionally
Navigating anger and conflict resolution with new ease and success
"Turning over the rock" or checking impact of what we share, and all the amazing stuff underneath that blows the lid off your interactions
Module 5
See the Private Facebook Page for Facebook Live Recording
Putting it all into Practice
Experiential exercise demonstrations - open your eyes to your strengths.
Using the tools to make challenging conversations so much easier
Getting in touch with the power and magnetism of showing your vulnerability
How to dig deeper into yourself and others, to access dormant parts, visions, and get happier in your life!
Module 6
See the Private Facebook Page for Live Recording
Transformations & New Opportunities
What this course makes possible in your life - how to maximize your new black-belt communication skills out there in the world going forward.
BONUS Video!
How Rigorous Honesty Ignites the Best Sex of Your Life!
BONUS Networking tips and opportunities to comfortably integrate you into social opportunities with more mindful people
BONUS useful tools handouts
BONUS meditations
BONUS 20% discount on New York City in-person Support Group
BONUS Access to the private Facebook Intimacy Overhaul Online Course Facebook Group
Ready to get started?
I'm here to guide you!
Only $275!
"I felt deeply aware
of my ingrained insecurity and self-consciousness. I was rejuvenated by a new freedom to approach others with love and a genuine desire to be helpful.
Alison guides people to feel truly seen as their authentic selves, while supporting them to let go of old ideas.
Ultimately, all I want is to give and receive love, so I'm immensely grateful for Alison’s guidance in helping me grow out of fear and into greater connectedness and acceptance of myself and others.
I can’t wait to see all my progress!"
Sydney, 27 - New York, NY
"I felt raw and open in a good way.
I’m encouraged to confront my fears and take risks by laying myself bare before another human being. Staring into the eyes of a beautiful woman, I battle many anxieties.
Am I disgusting, creepy? But none of my partners since have run away screaming. In fact, most of them have reacted very positively.
And I've learned that they are just as
anxious, insecure, and scared as I am.
Knowing this helps me to not feel so different.
I really can’t say enough good things about Alison’s course. It has helped me grow in many ways."
Daniel, 43 - New York,NY
It's Your Time!
I'm so honored and thrilled to meet you there!
I truly believe this course will give you the practical tools to shift into deeper love with yourself, and attract the love you want.

Tom McLaughlin, Founder of Global Sports, Inc. GlobalSportsFunds.com, New York, NY
"This course was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I now have the career I dreamed of as a child, using all my talents. I can see and feel the impact I have professionally, in my family, and on dates. I notice a sort of magnetism drawing beautiful, positive people into my life. This would not have been possible if Alison had not pushed me to connect with my deeper self."

Lisa Smith, Live You founder and author, LiveYouWithLisa.com, New York, NY
"Alison creates a safe space to share feelings and embrace fears. The activities were interactive and enlightening - a fresh approach that's supported me to bond with people through more authentic communication."

Sydney Campos, 27, Visionary Souls Podcast, New York, NY
“I cannot recommend this course enough to those seeking a truly unique, transformative experience."
What clients say...

Still on the fence or have questions?
Call Alison directly at:
(917) 539-8788